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Sino-Swedish Relations in a Historical Perspective –

From the 17th Century to the Present

An International Conference organised by The Nordic Confucius Institute in Stockholm, International Cultural Exchange School of Fudan University and the Nordic Centre, Fudan University




Monday 11 September(9月11日)


09:00     Opening Ceremony:

       H. E. Ambassador of Sweden, Mr. Börje Ljunggren

       Professor Cai Dafeng, Vice President of Fudan University

Professor Torbjörn Lodén, The Nordic Confucius Institute in Stockholm

Professor Zhu Yongsheng, Dean of International Cultural Exchange School of Fudan University


09.30   Professor Zhou Zhenhe and Ms. Ni Wenjun, Pehr Osbeck’s Chinese Travelogue


10.10     Professor Hans Aili, The First Two Swedish Dissertations on China in 1694


10.50   Mr. Bengt Johansson, Anders Ljungstedt and the Debate on Sovereignty over Macao.


11.30     Discussion


12.00     Lunch


13.30   Dr. Martin Svensson, Benedictus Svenonius and 18th Century Images of China in Sweden


14.00     Dr. Fredrik Fällman, Swedish Missionaries in China 1847-1955


14.30   Professor Xin Deyong, “Ruidian guo jilüe”: Notes on an Early Chinese Account of Sweden


15.00     Coffee break


15.15     Ms. Inga Nyman, Chinese Literature in Sweden.


15.45     Mr. Yu Hua, Impressions of Strindberg in China


16.15     Mr. Chen Maiping, Three Knives from Wei”: Harry Martinsson and China


16.45     Discussion


18.30   Banquet hosted by the International Cultural Exchange School of Fudan University (venue TBC)


Tuesday 12 September912日)


09.30     Dr. Perry Johansson, 20th Century Swedish Images of China: The Case of Jan   Myrdal and “Report From a Chinese Village”


10.00     Professor Liu Yu’an, “The Swedish Model in China”


10.30     Professor Xu Youyu, “The Relevance of the Swedish Model for China”


11.00     Discussions


12.00     Lunch


13.30     Mr. Lars Ellström, “Rethinking Sino-Swedish Relations”


14.00     Professor Håkan Lindhoff, “Swedish Media Images of China”


14.30     Discussions


15.00     Coffee break


15.15   Dr. Ingemar Ottosson, Reinventing the Wheel: Four Centuries of Sino-Swedish Relations


15.45   Professor Torbjörn Lodén, Swedish China Studies: Past, Present and Future


16.15     Discussion


16.45     Summing up


18.00     Farewell dinner