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演讲人:劳格文(John Lagerwey)




主持人:历史地理研究中心副主任 王振忠教授





劳格文教授简历Curriculum Vitae


Present position:  Directeur d’études (Chair Professor), Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris-Sorbonne), Department of Religious Studies, “History of Taoism and Chinese Religion”

Academic career:

1967       B.A English Literature, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)

1975       Ph.D. Chinese Literature, Harvard University

              Subject of my thesis : The Wu Yue chunqiu, an historical novel of the first century AD

1975-77     Post-doctoral study of Taoism under professors Max Kaltenmark and Kristofer Schipper, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris-Sorbonne)

1977       Member of the Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO) and secretary of the Daozang Project

1986-87 Visiting Scholar, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

1990       Invited Professor,  Anthropology Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

1990-91, 1992-93 Invited Professor, History of Taoism, University of Geneva

1992       Diploma of Habilitation for the direction of doctoral theses, University of Paris-VII (Jussieu)

1991-93, 1995-96 Lecturer on the History of Taoism, University of Paris-IV (Sorbonne)

1993-95, 1996-98 Director of the EFEO centre at CUHK; Invited Professor, Religion Department, CUHK

2000-present Full Professor, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris-Sorbonne)

2004       Invited Professor, Institute of Chinese Studies (CUHK)


Research contracts

·       1994-1997 Director of a project financed by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation on “Structure and Dynamics of Chinese Rural Society”. This project was carried out in collaboration with the Academy of Social Sciences of Fujian, Jiaying and Shaoguan universities in Guangdong, and Gannan Normal College in Jiangxi. The project published ten volumes of ethnographic reports on traditional festivals and social organization among the Hakka in southeast China.

·       1999-2002 Co-director of a project on ‘‘Religious Festivals in Northern Guangdong’’ financed by an Earmarked Grant from the Research Grant Council of Hong Kong, together with  Professor Tam Wai Lun, (Chinese University of Hong Kong).  This project produced six volumes on the Hakka.

·         2001-2004 Director of a project financed by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation on “Religion, Architecture, and the Economy in Southeast China”, carried out in collaboration with Professor Tam Wai Lun and Ho Puay Peng (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Paul Katz (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Yang Yanjie (Fujian Academy of Social Sciences), and Liu Jinfeng (Gannan Regional Museum). This project produced seven volumes on the Hakka, village architecture, and local religion in Zhejiang.

·         2004-2006 Co-director of a project on ‘‘Local Religion and Society in southeast China’’ financed by an Earmarked Grant from the Research Grant Council of Hong Kong, together with Professor Tam Wai Lun, (Chinese University of Hong Kong).  This project produced seven volumes of ethnographic reports on local religion and society in southeast China.

·         2006-2009 Co-director with Professor Tam Wai Lun of a project on “Religion and Society in Southeast China” financed by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation. This project is expected to produce six volumes of ethnographic reports on local religion and society in southeast China.


Primary publications

1981 Le Wu-shang pi-yao : somme taoïste du VIe siècle (Paris, EFEO)

1987 Taoist Ritual in Chinese Society and History (New York, Macmillan)

1991 Le continent des esprits : la Chine dans le miroir du taoïsme (Bruxelles, La Renaissance du Livre)

Editing of joint volumes

·       Numbers 4 and 5 of Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie (EFEO-Kyoto) on Taoism (1989-90)

·       Thematic issue of the Bulletin of the EFEO (BEFEO): Comportement rituel et corps social en Asie (BEFEO 79.2, 1992)

·       Number 12 of Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie (EFEO-Kyoto) on Methodology in the Study of Chinese Religion (2002)

·       “Traditional Hakka Society Series” (in Chinese; 30 volumes published, 1996-2006)

·       Religion and Chinese Society vol. 1: Ancient and Medieval China; vol. 2: Taoism and Local Religion in Modern China (EFEO and CUHK Press, 2004)

Organization of international conferences

·       June 1996, in Taiyuan (Shanxi), “Music, ritual and theater in social context in China”; publication of 41 articles in three volumes of the Minsu quyi (Taiwan, 1999)

·       May 1998, CUHK, “Ethnography in China today:  A critical assessment of methods and results”; published as Ethnography in China Today, ed. Daniel Overmyer (Yuan-Liou, Taipei, 2002)

·       May 2000, CUHK, “Religion and Chinese Society: The Transformation of a Field and its Implications for the Study of Chinese Culture”; published as Religion and Chinese Society, 2 vols. (EFEO-CUHK Press, 2004)

·       October 2003, “Religion et politique en Asie: Histoire et actualité”; published under same title (Paris, Les Indes savantes, 2006)

·       December 2006, “Rituals, pantheons, and techniques: A history of Chinese religion before the Tang,” to be published in four volumes by E.J. Brill.